We Were Mentioned on TV? Wow!

Tony Burroughs is one of the most sought after professional genealogists when it comes to African American genealogy.  Serving as an expert for BBC, PBS, and the Discovery Channel, his imprint on African American genealogy is not only legendary but remarkable.  In addition to being a certified genealogist, he "has traced three family lines seven generations."  Many in the field look up to Tony and our research team is definitely in that group.

So, it came as a total surprise that our Genealogy Research Team was mentioned during an interview he did on You and Me This Morning on Chicago's WCIU today.  How did this happen?  One of the hosts of the show is family member, Jeanne Sparrow.  We also learned that Tony later viewed our website and called our work awesome.  To say that we're flattered is an understatement!  

To see the interview, please view it below or click this link.


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