24 Hours Before The Trip Thoughts...

Jean was supposed to leave on Wednesday, but due to the weather, she can't leave until Sunday. They've been snowed in for the last few days. It's hard to even walk outside in her area.

I was fortunate not to get a flight going through the Eastern Seaboard. I will land in NOLA at about midnight on Sunday morning. It sucks that I can't "pack a lunch" like I use to be able to before the "lip gloss, chapstick and food" scare; regardless, I need some food as well as good reading and music for the 5 hour plane ride.

I spent today making copies of the research trip feeder, which will be extremely pivotal in helping us locate documents. It's about 40 pages or so, but it provides just about everything I've found that has lead me to this point. I will have to go to Office Depot this evening to make copies of our genealogy report, which will definitely run over 190 pages because of some new information I found today.

They recently posted a Nevada Marriages Index that goes from about 1956-2005 on Ancestry. I had no idea that many family members had been married there. According to Ancestry, 7% of the US population has gotten married in Nevada while it's population only makes up 1% of the US. I found a good five pages of information, which also includes the names of the spouses and connections that I made with California Birth Records based off of the Nevada Marriages Index. I imagine this will probably push the family file closer to the 1,450 range.

A friend recently lead me to http://www.missingmoney.com. It's a website that is free that allows a person to search for unclaimed property in all 50 US states. Amazingly, I found a number of family members with records on the site. I copied their information down so I could either send them an e-mail or a letter letting them know about the website, about their funds and also how to contact their state treasurer to get them.


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